Cordula Mezias
Since her youth, Cordula Mezias has dealt with psychological topics, awareness training, Eastern and Western wisdom, the search for the meaning of life and many health topics. She has been meditating regularly since the age of 16. She is a naturopath for psychotherapy (HPG) and has been working as a hypnotherapist, reincarnation therapist, coach and trainer in her own practice since 2006.
Cordula Mezias was trained by Sri Pranaji as a master trainer for a large number of his methods, which she teaches on a regular basis. Cordula has been in the 5-year training of Sri Pranaji since 2018. Since 2018 she has organized several seminars and trainings for Sri Pranaji in Switzerland.

Sri Pranaji
Sri Pranaji is a Siddha master who lives in Malaysia. In his family there are spiritual adepts who are deeply rooted in both the Saivite Yoga tradition from Kashmir and the Siddha tradition from South India. Sri Pranaji began his yoga training at the age of 7 under the guidance of his father. At the age of 10 he started the basic yogic Kundalini Kriya practice and entered a phase of intense sadhana for 5 years. Later on, Sri Pranaji turned his attention to his studies and during this time became very interested in martial arts. Sri Pranaji's search for the secrets of the internal martial arts led him to several gurus. He met many great spiritual mentors from the Sufi and Siddha lineages. Under his gurus, he completed his spiritual journey at the age of 25.
The Pranashakty Lineage established by Sri Pranaji is supported by great gurus and masters such as Swami Ramaling (called the Vallalar), Shirdi Sai Baba, Jesus, Gautama Buddha, members of the Sufi lineage and the 18 ancient Siddhas of South India.
Sri Pranaji lives a modern, western-oriented life with wife and children. As a yogi with almost 30 years of professional experience in the business world, Sri Pranaji has developed various systems for the modern, busy person based on the ancient Siddha traditions. Sri Pranaji has been teaching his different systems worldwide since 2004 and also in Switzerland since 2018.
Peter Straub
Peter Straub is interested in people in all their complexity and their individual reactions to the challenges of life. As a pragmatic and solution-oriented person, he has been looking for solutions to the problems of modern people for a long time. As an air rescuer at the Berg- und Skiwacht Schwarzwald eV in Schönau am Belchen, he worked in disaster control for over 10 years. In addition to several classic professions as an electrician, power system electronics technician and real estate economist, he has been intensively involved with hypnosis and various healing methods since 2009.
Peter has been working in his own practice as a coach and therapist since 2013. Through Cordula Mezias he got to know the Siddhaweg and Sri Pranaji in 2018 has been in the 5-year training of Sri Pranaji since 2018. In 2019, Sri Pranaji Peter exclusively gave the worldwide teaching of the men's seminar «Men Power: awaken the tiger in you». In addition to the Siddha path of Sri Pranaji, Peter does intensive research on the Siddha line of the Tibetan master Tsonghkapa. On the basis of this knowledge he has created his own seminar "Awaken the fire in you".